Touch Typing Made Simple

Cover“Please start to type whenever you hear the signal, ready, type.” This “sound teaching method” will help you from becoming that 1-finger typist in your office who always gets overlooked for the big promotion. You know the guy, you make fun of him behind his back during your smoke breaks… that was until he got wise and started smoking, thus prompting you and your back-talking, cowardly coworkers to find more creative locations throughout the office to poke fun.

Space BarThis smooth, fluid sounding instructor offers step-by-step directions on the basics of touch typing, while at the same time educates the listener on such industry touch type terms as, “home row” and “carriage return position.” He is even nice enough to suggest proper posture/hand positions, how to properly insert a piece of paper against the paper guide and the coveted “shift key position.”

This is most certainly a method for the amateur touch typist, but who amongst us couldn’t use a brush-up every once and a while?

Please see below for, what I’m calling, the 7 Commandments of Touch Typing:
